Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wigging Out

My sister is having a wedding fashion crisis. A cancer-related wedding fashion crisis.

When JT and I first got engaged and set our wedding date, my sister was enjoying a wonderful cancer-free period, even sporting a pretty good head of regrown hair. It was early this summer that we learned her cancer had returned and it was back to chemo she went. No one anticipated that she would be attending the wedding bald.

Frankly, I'm simply happy to have her at the wedding, regardless of the condition of her hair. She can walk down the aisle in all her bald glory as far as I'm concerned. Few people make bald look as good as my sister can. But not wanting her baldness to be the center of attention, we dicussed some options. Perhaps a cool scarf, with a flower pinned to it. Wigs, after all, are uncomfortable, itchy and hot.

But as the day draws closer, she thinks maybe a wig is the way to go after all. A wig provides more possibilities for hair accessories, since it's pretty hard to attach a feathery fascinator without any hair.

Here's where you come in! Help my sister figure out which way to go. Here's a picture of her at another wedding, fully wigged:

And here she is sporting the scarf look:

What do you think? I was partial to the scarf idea, and I think I know why -- to me, my sister wearing a wig looks like a different person. But my sister wearing a scarf still looks like my sister. Of course, I can totally understand feeling like a scarf won't quite cut it on the wedding day and wanting to do something more formal, more elaborate. No matter what, I want her to pick something that makes her feel comfortable.

What do you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Are hats out of the question? I think either looks good. Here's what I think. I think that what is most important is a) What's most comfortable for JM and b) how you and she want to remember the wedding when you look at the pictures. (I don't know if that came out quite right... hopefully you'll understand.) Ultimately, what she's most comfortable with is what I think she should choose. :)

  3. I love her in the scarf~and I know there are some fancy ways to wear them, but I agree with troismommy, how will she be most comfortable?

  4. What a beautiful young woman! Of course the final choice should be based on her own feeling of comfort, but I think the scarf looks so much better than the wig. How about a really cool turban? I think that would suit her very well and you can adorn a turban with all sorts of accessories. Good luck to you all and hopefully your sister will be back to good health for always very soon.

  5. I think she is beautiful either way!! I'd let her wear whatever she is most comfortable in. Good luck.

  6. You look soooo beautiful in the scarf. You know I love you either way but the scarf shows the Jenn I know, sassy and sexy!

  7. okay, how about this one?

  8. okay, here's one more option:

  9. I live the scarf idea. In terms of which one, I'd say choose your outfit first and then get a scarf to match.

  10. Wow, scarves seem to be the popular choice! Bits, I like the first one with the lace :) But anything you pick will be perfect.

  11. okay, went with the lace one that candice chose! thanks everyone!

  12. I am just seeing this - I would like to say that I am so happy that you are getting married Candice...& that you are able to go Jenn~Michelle! I think you will be beautiful in what ever it is that you choose to wear...but both will be together, so life on that day will be absolutely beautiful.
